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5 Elements To Include In Your Website Footer

5 Elements To Include In Your Website Footer

The footer is a critical area of any website. Yes, I’m serious. It may not be the most visually appealing region or have the most amazing material, but it is a location where users commonly seek information. Therefore, it is critical that you should not overlook this area while creating a web design project. Here are five things that your website’s footer must contain. 

1. Links to Every Page on Your Site 

Because the top navigation of many websites is limited to two to five pages, it is critical to provide a navigation in the footer that links to all of your pages. Typically, larger organisations place less frequently searched links near the bottom, such as “careers” and “FAQ.” 

2. Subscribe Option 

 As a business that provides a service, blog postings, or special offers, the ability to communicate and persuade your users to subscribe to that service or information is critical. When you invite customers to sign up for something you offer, ensure that your sign-up box has sufficient space, structure, and design, since the more visually beautiful it appears inside the footer, the more irresistible it becomes for consumers to not input their email address before leaving your website. 

3. Sitemap 

This is the most frequently encountered link in footers, and it directs users to the HTML version of the sitemap. Although these links are rarely clicked by people, they, like the XML sitemap, may aid search engines in locating content. 

4. Social Media Links 

Another often used and necessary element to have in your footer area is social network links. Typically, this is accomplished through the use of icons that connect to any social media accounts you may have, allowing them to interact with you elsewhere. Again, putting them in the bottom increases the visibility of the icons, increasing the likelihood that people will follow you on other platforms. 

5. Contact Information 

While it is true that websites typically include their contact information in one of the navigational links, the footer is another excellent spot to advise users how to contact you. Include an email and phone number where people can contact you if they are interested in your products or services. 


A well-designed website footer can result in greater conversions, and there are numerous creative methods to design a footer. It’s critical to make it visually appealing, as it will appear on every page of your website. 


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